North Figueroa by Carol Colin

Carol Colin's "North Figueroa" appears on the cover of The Journal of Bloglandia, volume 1, issue 2.

Carol Colin's "North Figueroa" appears on the cover of The Journal of Bloglandia, volume 1, issue 2.

The Journal of Bloglandia, volume 1, issue 2 popped to our attention during last weekend’s Arroyo Arts Re-discovery Tour.

We were drawn to the magazine because of the cover art by Carol Colin entitled “North Figueroa” and featuring the building that houses Flying Pigeon LA!

Sadly, the two trees in front of Frank’s Camera are both gone now. Only stumps remain, but a small guerilla garden has been planted around on of them, so, you know, “Hope dies last,” and all that.

We’re happy that our building is featured on the cover of such a cool journal (filled with references to books we had to read in college!). You can own a small copy of L.A. history by buying The Journal of Bloglanida for only $7.50 at

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