Flying Pigeon inventory on March 3, 2011

Yes, yes, another exciting adventure in retail here, with a quick walk through in the Flying Pigeon LA bike shop. The feature this time? Our cool new mannequins (Manny and Maria) and a Velorbis Student Classic ($1,350), Velorbis Dannebrog ($1,795), and a Pashley Guv’nor single speed ($1,595) in the window.

We are down to our last two Nihola bikes, one used 5-speed is available at a deep discount.

An Electra Royal 8i, used but in top condition, is selling for 50% off retail for $650.

We’ve got a bunch of other cool stuff on the way in the next 30 days, and we’re inching closer to our first Brompton order every day now.

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